Matters of opinion that enables me to understand or make some sense of my country- Malaysia

Many Royals of constitutional monarchies throughout the world are beginning to play more active roles and increasing their profiles in their own Societies -contributing towards making a difference in bettering quality of life – in charity work -or as good will ambassadors for their nations- because many invisible barriers have evaporated.

The English Royal family is the best example.

Closer to Home..Our Malaysian Royalty still maintains lower profiles but do what they can for noble causes.

The 9 states of Malaysia with Royal Sultanate ,are peculiar only to this nation- in that they elect amongst themselves every 5 years-One Sovereign to preside over the whole country.and aptly titled – Yang Di Pertuan Agung.

And  the Sultans continue to exert their rule over their states-within the limitations as drafted in the  Malaysian constitution-not without controversy at times.-nonetheless have the acknowledgement of the subjects of the states.

When Malaysian Royalty are referred to in normal conversations by ordinary people. Generally , common folk have an notion of the Royal Families – as like encased in a insulated Royal Bubble,that  floats on a higher sphere from common folk..

Their Royal Aristocratic Lives detached from the ordinary people and  society.

And that perception of the Royalty in Malaysia has been  common..Until recently..when some Princes /Princesses of the states were seen mingling with commoners or joining the Professional ranks ,in effect starting to dispel the notions of the High and Mighty detachment. The Negeri Sembilan Princes are popular in that sense .

And ,the Johore Royals have been getting attention from the public recently. With publicity on both positive and negative sides. Mainly the Crown Prince of  Sultan Ibrahim of Johor.-who himself have achieved a certain notoriety of a hot-blooded Prince.

But the Sultan of Johor has endeared Himself to the people of Johor in His approachable highly  down to earth persona.

No Royal airs about His Majesty Sultan. He is as comfortable as anyone in a coffee shop or warong,having a snack -Teh tarik and small talk conversation with locals about whatever is the topic of the moment.

Viewing this Video -of the Johore Sultan in an interview , getting emotional as he speaks of his Johorean subjects – His eyes really tearing up as describes his desires  and ideals for the well being of  His Johorean subjects.

And it can be sensed – the emotions were raw and straight from his heart.

As the camera captured an unguarded ,unplanned sincere moment during an interview with His he drove his own bus visiting various Towns in Johore !

Makes Him much more endearing and respected because –

One can tell , He really really cares for his people’s well being . Demonstrating that Malaysian Royalty- although Powerful and Influential – they have also, the traits that makes them so human – genuine emotions –

But the Royal that acts on Intuition influenced by the noble emotions of Sincere Care and Concern of People’s welfare /well-being makes them even more revered !


8.50, His Highness embarks on a tour driving his own Bus and speaks fondly of all his Johorean subjects -from all ethnic


9,50..How He feels about the response of Johoreans and how much it means to Him personally.

10.25..Those are real raw emotions as His Highness chokes back tears.

11.40 – 12.00..And His Highness really tears up as He refers to His People .-  His Subjects..Johoreans.

Daulat Tuanku.!

Comments on: "His Royal Highness Johore Sultan..Johoreans are Lucky !" (1)

  1. Constance said:

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