Matters of opinion that enables me to understand or make some sense of my country- Malaysia

Archive for June, 2014

How far will mais,jais/isma go-and allowed to go?

In light of the extremism being pushed to the limit,in recent days ,as far as public opinion is concerned,it is an alarming trend,that so far has no conclusion in reach.

What with all the concerted focus of accusing the christians of conspiring to proselytize muslims.And the many other controversial spates involving muslims and christians.Soon as one controversy ebbs,another surfaces.

And with intentionally inflammatory remarks made by high profile  individuals .and religious organizations.

Statements that are undoubtedly designed to invite resentment between the racial/religious divide.

FROM Isma,Jais,Mais, ReduanTee to certain ministers ,ex judges ,and the ever present Perkasa. It really prompts the alarming question.Just how far or extreme will they go to forment hate and more worrying is how far does the goverment want them to go?

How far will the hate mongers be allowed to go,before the government deems it over the limits and reins them in a little? How much hate and resentment do they feel is adequate to have fulfilled its objective of rile divide and rule.

How much madness malfeasance os deemed enough?

OR will they not stop till all limits are breached and they succeed in pushing the targeted quarter over the cliff. Is there a conclusion to the lunacy?

In the minds of many Malaysians,they undoubtedly believe that some sinister design is being engineered ,that is the reason behind all the attempts to induce spite or resentment between the ethnicities,in order to gain a  desired result.

OF  some diabolical agenda to retain power at all cost,even if it means violence or blood spilled.


So far most of the vitriol in religious controversies has being directed at the christians .Accusations of conspiracies to proselytize Muslims .

Very public scathing attacks on Christians in general,lumping all together in some mass nefarious plot to turn Malaysia into a Christian country.

Meaning involvement of both the Catholics and the dozens of Protestant denominations,grouping all the Christians together in one massive conspiratory organization.

Do they even realize how absurd that premise is? Even the Pope cannot manage such a feat as to get the Catholics and Protestants to be in full consensus of Christian doctrines and ideology with each other,and here we have,our Malaysian ,self professed experts in Christianity, insisting that the Christians are united in a common aim to  convert Malaysian muslims.

Or that there is some shadowy world power,along the lines of the Illuminati,Freemasons and even a Jewish/Zionists plot to destabilize the country,in a conspiracy fueled by greed.

Maybe i can suggest another conspiracy to throw into the mix,to balance things a little,not only Christians can conspire after all. Maybe ,a conspiracy to stay in power by dismantling the secular nature of our constitutional laws and replacing it with a Islamic republic,like Iran minus the Shiite ism.or an Islamic monarchy like Brunei.Or even copy Pakistan,secular in nature but much more Islamic in practice.

Yup,the Muslim Brotherhood is in town,exiled from Egypt, here to lend a helping hand to Malaysia,to carve out a oath to absolute authoritarian dictatorship..

That will be a fantastic premise for a fiction novel for conspiracy authors,using real world organizations and events to conjure their sensationalized novels.

And they will be comfortable here in Malaysia,picking the already imaginative brains of the many Christian/Jewish conspiracy tbeorist for inspiration.


Back to the serious reality happening in current affairs of Malaysia.Will the extremists continue and move on to target the other nons and their respective faiths,which have so far not been made issues yet.? If just confronting the Christians can be so bruising,imagine how ugly it can get,if the the other faiths are also not spared the vitriol.

One fact doesn’t escape many,is that all the viciousness started post GE13. It is a well remembered spectacle pre election of PM Najib,trying his damndest to win over hearts and minds of the nons,especially the CNY message if him deck out in the gloriest of red chinese wardrobe,in a hand clasping gesture wishing good luck to all ,speaking mandarin.

BUT,when it all crashed around him in the worst showing of election results,almost the entire community abandoned BN or specifically UMNO wholesale.

Everything started unraveling.

Didn’t take too long for UMNO   to  show their true colours.Survival instincts kicked in.and now within 2 years under PM of UMNO’ s stewardship.

.The Malaysia of now,especially the relations between the races has been taking a beating.The goodwill slowly evaporating and dissolving into a volatile potion of resentment and bitterness that gets more potent by the day.

All because,Malaysians were fed up with chronic mismanagement of the country and the corrupted abuses of power committed by BN and all predecessor administrations before Najib,s shift.

Which brings to mind another isuue of morality and conscience and responsibility.

What head of state of any country will stand idly by and allow the society within to implode,and do nothing, despite witnessing a gradual deterioration of inter ethnic harmony and goodwill,that had taken decades to develop, go on a treacherous path of intercommunal clash.

WHAT type of leader will do that to his own people,? What kind of a man will such a leader be and what substance is he made from?

It is akin to an ultimate betrayal of the worst kind..and the act of betrayal is merely by a conscious decision to say nothing and do nothing to intervene,as the people goes towards a path of eventual confrontation.when as the leader of the country, he must assert his authority to nip things in the bud,and at the same time,send out a firm no nonsense message to all who are thinking to  challenge his lawful authority and power from the highest office of the nation.No fear nor favour to any quarter.

Disrespect and break the laws,you will be held accountable.

Another suspicion of many is that,it may all be a diabolical plot to retain their grip on power,which is slipping away from their hands.and that which the PM is party to.A treacherous design to engineer inter communal strife using the most effective tool as weapon to drive a wedge into the racial mix, which enables political expediency to manipulate.

And that allegation if it has any substance to it,will qualify it as the most treacherous betrayal of all.In a quest to retain hold on power,the very well being of a whole nation of people,of a beautiful diversified multi cultural mix,across race and faiths.



And the spirit of a country that is still a functioning democracy,in an immature stage, with flaws and abuses . To be sacrificed, betrayed by an elite few.who will stop at nothing to satiate their lust ,greed for power.Unwitting pawns in a power struggle. Such is the treachery..

And therefore,what type of humans and how do they view their own humanity.?What is their moral compass?


Civil and Sharia law on collision course?

There will eventually come a point when even PM Najib will have his authority challenged, At the rate things are happening now.

As the religious dimension builds in fervour whipped into mindsets by the constant barrage of all things religious are noble, especially Islamic. And that it  is the honourable way to be confrontational, for the faith is being threatened.Therefore,it is the moral obligation of muslims to go on the offensive against their fellow citizens,who are egregiously not of the same religion.

Challenging times indeed,for the non muslims sharing the country.

Even our PM risk his authority being challenged.If for instance at some point,he speaks up for  a violation of the constitutional laws by some quarter which may be in contradiction of sharia laws.Still he has no option but he has to be on the side of the secular laws tht he as the PM governs the country by.

If in the past,when non muslims are involved in controversies with Muslims somehow,amicable compromises can be agreed on.

But lately, things have degenerated into intolerable and uncompromising attitudes on the side of the Islamic organizations.

Fuelled by child conversion controversies, interruptions of marriage and funeral.Tussle over Allah word,confiscation of bibles.etc The very public accusations of conspiracies and character mauling of the non muslims..The intensity of the scathing attacks somehow have allowed the extremist to get more influential and traction onto mindsets of a segment of the Muslim society.

So,if our PM gets embroiled in a contentious situation,between sharia and civil courts,he  may need to ram into a near invincible wall of  perceived religious supremacy that all things Islamic are right and noble and morally on higher ground.

A perception which he and his political party and goverment has help create.

That,inadvertently ,has converted some hitherto moderate muslim mindsets into being more extremist and even caused some to verge on fanaticism.

That even our law enforcers and ministers,and the authorities of the current  BN/UMNO administration . Powerful,wealthy and influential many of them are,but fear to tresspass into the domain of the religious extremist and purist,or to confront their influence,despite the extremist pushing the limits of acceptable decorum in civil society..

Intimidated by the prospect they may challenge back, and our so called authorities actually worry that they may lose the pissing competition with them who has the Faith aka Islam backing them up.

There may come a time when even a secular directive from the PM,may be questioned or ignored by the extremist in our midst.if it is not to their approval. Already,one such precedent has occured,when a minister from the PM dept had a directive that was not acted upon but ignored ,but not by any extremist but by a one whose authority it was to uphold or enforce the laws that governs civil society.But refuse to do so worried of offending the religious quarter,n and risk getting caught in between a crossfire between the civil and sharia laws.

He was technically,the person with the highest law enforcement authority of the nation.but he chose to sit on his hands and in the process,disregard and disrespect the constitutional laws,in essence making him betray the spirit of the secular laws,designed to protect civil society.

And his choice was to pander and stay neutral.

Rather than to be a stern no nonsense law enforcer that his job demanded.Sacrificing what respect and professional integrity of the authority of his rank and office he representated.The top law enforcer of the country , Rather hold our laws in contempt than to take on a potential ISLAMIST controversy.

 If the situation is allowed to carry on. It is just a matter of time when, some other civil servant refuses to follow directive from the PM himself,because of some religious principle and protestation.

The secular laws of our constitution and the sharia laws ,although fairly separate now.but if unchecked seems to be on a collision course trajectory with each other,and may be not that distant future.

As of this posting,the Attorney General together with the Chief Minister,s combined authority in a directive to lower ranked civil  organizations of Islamic affairs,has had their authority ignored.going so far as to questioning the directive and saying both the AG and the Chief Minister is wrong.Devoid of the respect to the authorities of both offices, because,of the presumption of their roles of religious officers,doing Allah,s bidding,therefore , they are not wrong and incapable of mistakes.. Probably misinterpreting their arrogance and conceit as divine pride.

Incapable of error because “Almighty”is  on their side,and they are merely doing “HIS” bidding.

And of course,they ought to know,since they are ostensibly the experts of interpretation of Islamic laws in Malaysia,?? If the name of the agencies they are from is anything to go by.Non muslims especially will accept that in face value.

Since afterall ,the words ,Islamic affairs,and implications of the weight of those words upon the average Malaysian non muslim psyche,is to approach with delicate caution.For it can be potently explosive if mishandled.

Mais refusal to return bibles.?

Is this about losing FACE. ?

Because after all the brouhaha over the raid on BSM and confiscation of the bibles. THE Religious zealots of this  Islamist group always maintained their position as the morally superior action.

Therefore having have to be directed by the AG and MB to return the bibles,is akin to adn admission that perhaps they made a mistake and overstepped their boundary. BUT OF COURSE, it will be hard to swallow,this bitter pill.

It will also be perceived by them that they have lost this small battle,in their holy crusade against the Christians.

Being told to return the bibles means that they have to acknowledge failure and defeat.

Which probably explains why,they rather dispose of the bibles or destroy the holy Christian books than to return them to BSM

. Mana mahu letak muka, if they do that?

Arrogant mindsets are very sore losers.

And in this situation,they are so conceited in their pride, that they dare to risk the wrath of the authoruties by challenging their powers, for they can’t bear the thought of losing to christians,which is their warped perception of this situation.

SO disposing or destroying the bibles instead of returning them,will give them a perverted sense of claiming a win in the moral ground.

Also,they are counting on the fact that they will likely get their way,because they plan to use the Islam card.,and milk it of all it has got.

Don’t hold your breadth,there is every likelihood that the Islamist will be able to bully or intimidate the authorities to pander to them,yet again.!

IGP Tan Sri Khalid,with all due respect!

In due respect to the PDRM institution.

And to the authority of law enforcers across the country.

The people respect the laws and enforcement agencies.


AND the IGP Tan Sri.Khalid.

The respect is given to the position of the title of  IGP of the country.

THE people can respect the office and the person holding the

rank of the top cop of Malaysia.

Yes Sir, we can respect the person and the authority behind the office.

We do respect the PDRM institution,

but, regrettably, we cannot with a good clear conscience,

say that we

respect the stance of the IGP in relation to how he has

chosen to ignore in a dereliction of duty of the noble Malaysian police.

,in response to the clear contempt of court actions,

by an individual, and the IGP reluctance  to take action.,

because he seems overly concerned over smearing populist image and

also to appease the religious segment

,instead of carrying out the duties of enforcing the law

against a illegal act of defiance

IGP chooses to pander rather than to be stern even despite that ,his

authority as the no. 1 policeman in the country

and the laws he is supposed to be upholding is openly defied.,

dragging down not only the institution he is in charge of

,but also giving disrepute to the civil courts of law that made the judgment.

The role of law enforcers in any Democratic country is to uphold the

laws and to take action whenever said laws are breached.

Laws are like the threading that holds the fabric of functioning

secular democratic nations together.

But when the very institution entrusted to uphold the laws,

in the interest of national security, are among those who breach them,

or ignores their duty bound obligation or worst yet,

seem to be meek and without authority when they face certain organizations.

Even quoting this current situstion,the most powerful police officer in the country

Is afraid to take action,because he is worried that he msy offend a segment of people

Is not a good portend of things to come.

,it can be an ominous foreboding of

An institution threading a wayward path of a nation being led

by disoriented and misguided leaders

, that has lost the sense of direction on where they

want to steer the country towards.


Tan Sri Khalid, law enforcement is not a popularity contest.

Neither are law enforcement agencies, political organizations.

Winning the confidence and respect of the public doesn’t work

With pandering or trying to appease zealots or extremist in our midst.

Neither is it about avoiding contentious controversial issues.

PDRM’s  role in our society is to uphold and enforce laws

which are based on wise expert knowledge of the laws viz judgments

of honorable judges,after hearing legal arguments representing

both sides by experts of the laws also.

Lawyers with years of study and credentials.

Please IGP sir, the legal process of our judiciary

must not be undermined by

a rash whimsical decision not to offend,and to be neutral.



Policing a country is a very serious business.Law enforcement should not

Make room for whimsical sentiments playing games of diplomacy.

That is not the domain of police officers who to be effective in discharging their

Duties needs to be respected and feared as disciplined professionals.

Above all,uncertainty in enforcement when laws are clearly breached

Indisputably seen by all ,is  a desperate display of weakness of the police


But made worst when this uncertainty to action is displayed by the

no.1 police officer of the nation.

A ripple effect that may reverberate throughout the nation

Causing more damage to the already dented reputation of the police force.


Sir, PDRM has only one purpose,which it must abide by

No matter what.

to uphold the laws determined by the courts,

however unpopular it may be.

for as long as there is a valid claim of having law to uphold,

the moral high ground is legitimate and no one can challenge that.


Tan Sri Khalid, you are leading the highly respected PDRM  institution on

a treacherous wayward path of subservience to master puppeteers.

Tearing to shreds, slowly, the good name and

smudging the reputation of the PDRM


So, please Tan Sri Khalid,leave politics to the politicians.

And interpretation of laws to the judiciary

and legislators to debate application.

It has never been the role of PDRM to be anything but

to uphold and enforce.

Return to the public, what the public has lost.

The trust and respect of PDRM by the public.

That can be achieved only by professionalism,integrity

dedication to serve and protect without prejudice.

IGP Khalid, It is on your shoulders now to lead the institution

to regain lost credibility and lost honor and glory


As the Top Cop of the nation,you cannot afford to Cop Out.

,which sadly is the message you are sending now,

with the statements and position you have taken over the child custody cases.

Dire state of affairs, indeed tragic for decent law abiding citizens,

who have placed their trust in the law enforcers to safe guard

their sense of security and well being.

As they bear witness to the grievous offensive upon their confidence,

on the pledge of the nation’s police  personnel,

who have sworn to protect and serve,

their fellow countrymen with no fear nor favor

, indiscriminately enforcing justice that all who respects

and abide by the sanctity of the spirit of law and order, can benefit.

But Tan Sri Khalid, how can we feel assured of the future well being

of a nation built on the foundation  of law and order,

for our children when the institution entrusted to safeguard the

noble ideals and spirit of a civilised society,

seem to be participating or  spearheading the movement

to disrespect and repudiating the ideals and aspirations of


the founding fathers of this nation ,

who had  written the constitutional laws designed to encompass

and protect all in our multi-ethnic, cross cultural identities, collectively known as Malaysians.

Which laws does PDRM serves and uphold and enforces?

Return Deepa’s boy, PM’s Dept tells cops
June 5, 2014

Nancy Shukri says police should heed court decisions.

seeba300x200PETALING JAYA: The Prime Minister’s Department has urged the police to ensure the return of S Deepa’s abducted son to her home.

Referring to a court decision sanctioning force in taking away the 6-year-old boy from his Muslim father, Minister in the PM’s Department Nancy Shukri told reporters today police should take whatever action would be necessary to reunite the child with his Hindu mother.

“From what I’ve read in the media, Deepa’s ex-husband, who had converted to the Muslim religion, took their son with him after the Seremban High Court had given custody to the mother,” she said.

“The police should take the son away from the father and return him to the mother as the courts have been fair in their verdict.”

On May 27, Izwan Viran Abdullah lost his appeal against the Seremban High Court’s April 27 decision to grant custody of his two children to Deepa following their divorce. The Court of Appeal said police could use force to recover the boy from Izwan.

Nancy would not give a specific comment on last Sunday’s disruption of a Hindu wedding by officials of the Selangor Islamic Department (Jais).

“On the federal government’s side, we cannot be involved and speak on behalf of Selangor state,” she said.

“However, the government is currently working towards resolving religious and child custody issues between parents.

“After two recent meetings of a joint committee, we have identified mediation as a mechanism to resolve legal issues that involve Muslim converts and their former partners who are non-Muslims.

“The details are still being worked out.”

She was referring to a committee set up last

It is chaired by her and Jamil Khir Baharom, another minister in the PM’s Department. Nancy is the de facto Law Minister and Jamil Khir is in charge of religious affairs.



Sourced: return-deepas-boy-pms-dept-tells-cops




Nancy Shukri is from PM’s dept, essentially, she is like PM’s mouthpiece ,representing the dept ,and doubt that she will dare to issue statements without consultation.and clearance from her immediate boss. .Najib will have her head,if she goes above his head,.

Meaning occasionally, glimpses of sanity can be detected from our PM.( Phantom Minister)

But at least it is a postive that gives a sense of relief that not all is madness.


Which Laws does the PDRM serves and upholds / enforces? And protects civil society from? 


The IGP has been dragging his feet on this, reluctant to be caught between shariah court, seemingly siding with the muslim father but civil court’s ruling giving custody to the mother, but  father,  when he had chance goes and snatches the son from mother’s house, even slightly injuring mother in the process. .

.and despite clearcut contempt of court. and laws broken,

IGP says, as if he was siding with religious court instead of enforcing laws of civil society.,

saying ,no laws were broken, no need police action. father doesn;t kidnap his own child.

So, it ll be interesting to note his reaction on this statement.

Probably he ll just delegate the task to a subordinate officer and stay clear lest he shoots himself in the foot.Or will he ,as usual, be a politician more than the head of  law enforcement of the country.

Yet his inaction on this matter , as was the statements he made in relation to it,  was really irresponsible and biased, according to public perception.

Causing the public to wonder , if  PDRM serves ,protects and enforces the laws of the land based on the constitution

and they are duty bound to judgments from the civil courts or can they act as judge jury and lawyer as well..?

Isn’ t it their role to back up the judiciary, their authority is to uphold the court’s judgments and not within their scope to question ?

For  is it their role to be selective on upholding which rulings of the civil courts and are allowed to interpret it differently? .

which ruling to enforce and  uphold.

And decide which to take action and which ruling doesn’t require pursuing.

Isn’t that for the courts , the judiciary?

And  the PDRM plays the role of enforcer and to uphold the judgments and hence the sanctified laws of the land.

Let politicians play the political game.

No fear and favor.the  constitution is the highest law of the land encompassing all the people.Across the etnhic/religo boundaries.

All are beholden to the laws of the land.

And let the lawyers thrash it out,whether shariah or civil.  Meantime, if laws are broken or sanctity of the court’s judgement is held in contempt.

Then the role of PDRM is clear cut.

Or is it not??


Who is going Rogue,? The institution or the one in charge?


As it is now, the Extremist seem to have intimidated the PDRM and got the institution unsure as to what to do,and the limitations of their authority.

Reluctant to offend them , or playing politics instead of policing and law enforcing , if the inaction on clear cut contempt of court rulings(civil courts,that is ) are any indication,

of the message being broadcasted.

It  is not a very positive vote of confidence on the prospects of the trajectory of our Malaysian society overall,  based on law and order, laws  that our founding fore fathers wrote into the sacred constitution, and acknowledged  as the highest authority of all.

It must be noted that, although only certain individuals are involved in the judgement/ruling  of the civil court regarding this child custody case,

but the importance and significance of the response of our enforcement agencies and goverment  transcends all and .

(A positive note has been issued by the PM’s department and MCA. indicating emphasis on the secular laws of the constitution ,should be respected and upheld).

The significance of the actions/inaction  of  enforcement is the overriding crucial message being sent to the entire country. It is setting a  precedent or tone of what to expect in future cases with similar backdrop.

So , is this a foreboding of the deteriorating state of respect for the civil/secular laws of the land ?



Legislators debate and set laws, politicians play politics. lawyers argue the laws and judges pass rulings or judgements and police upholds and enforces court’s rulings and backs up the judiciary.

Isn’t that how a functioning democracy, even taking into account  flaws and abuses,  should be ?

All institutions with distinct roles , duties and authority,  that should not overlap.

The crucial dimension that has being overlooked by the Malaysian public, ..
they seemed to have  missed the importance or significance of the action/inaction of our law enforcement institution.

Procrastinating on their role to uphold and enforce  laws onto a clear cut “contempt of court” action , because of a  reluctance to offend the religious segment and play politics, conveniently ignoring their law enforcement role.

Instead of letting lawyers thrash it out in the shariah/civil courts,and the presiding judges to give judgment.

They seem to have decided to do their own interpretation and course of action.


It ought to be  a point for serious concern for our lawmakers.

For this  message sent to the entire country , setting a precedent or tone of what to expect from our Malaysian law enforcement institution ,

in future cases with similar backdrop involving religious affairs.
Is this a foreboding of the deteriorating state of respect for the civil/secular laws of the land ?

And every decent law abiding  Malaysian ,  who are convinced that we are governed by the  sacred secular constitutional laws written by our founding fathers of this nation , will be very concerned indeed.because this message will shake  their faith and sense of security provided by the laws.



Remember the legend of the brave Dutch boy who prevented a catastrophe to his community by his quick thinking and self-sacrifice.

Who had to stay there for days without food and water ,  till someone eventually came by ,  discovered his plight and the dire potentially disastrous situation

and went to get help.

The Brave Dutch boy  legend. who on his way to school,  noticed a slight leak in the dyke , breached by the sea-water that began to slowly  trickled in through a small hole.

And  the only thing to do was to poke his finger into the hole and so stemmed the flow of water

otherwise the small trickle of water will slowly get stronger and becomes a stream that will also gets more powerful and develop into a torrent

that  smashes the dyke and a flood rushes in that can wipe all in its path. drowning all  before it in a wave of destruction ,

.( as it is commonly known that many coastal  lands in the Netherlands are below sea water level protected by the barriers of the dykes that holds out the water)

The brave boy had to stay in that position for a very very long time , suffering hunger and thirst ,  until  eventually a passerby

saw him and  went to get help . And the dyke was  repaired the leak sealed .

And the brave Dutch boy had ultimately helped  to  avert a terrible tragic disaster to his people!

“Moral of the story  act quickly and in time, recognizing that even the smallest or pettiest of events , seemingly insignificant ,may develop into something of mammoth proportions if unchecked, that could have devastating  ramification on  society/communities/ nation .

Even when one has  limited strength and resources for it may avoid or prevent  catastrophe”.


IS ISMA earning it’s money’s worth?



The more extreme ISMA statements are, the more they make themselves sound clownish,out of touch with reality,,verging on lunacy
Think that even no matter how ignorant, rational minds with common sense who are on the ground interacting daily across the ethnic divide. cannot take them seriously.they are fast becoming the jokester institution of the decade. surpassing Perkasa..

DAP dynasty ,like “The Forbidden Kingdom ” – for Malays to join, that is .. ke ke. And that seems to be the frantic message being sent out..!

ANd their statement regarding the JAIS raid on the HINDU marrying Muslim  affair? .

Come on la ISMA, not very creative in provoking.,an issue that will be forgotten in a week or so, afterall ,JAIS resolved it already,

unless you intervene and say that the lady cannot change her MyKad,coz she is muslim, .throw in ridiculous justification, and you may have  a controversy..
Your role, ISMA , is getting  paid  is to look for topics that can definitely provoke anger among the communities.along race/religion.

All news events with a religious/race dimension,is for you  ISMA to creatively  twist it into something outrageous but so far, they are not very creative.

Attacking DAP is getting old, overused. this Hindu weddding raid by Jais is tame..maybe you ought to get involved in the porcine tainted fiasco, but 2nd thought no racial angle to exploit,so maybe not.huh? .
You ISMA guys should really get together with Reduan Tee, the other on same payroll, go Yum Cha teh tarik and brainstorm, what other topics can get the ethnic communities riled up enuff that they will hate each other more.

Be more interesting then to see what you guys can come up with.

Remember Divide and Rule., only survival tip that must not be forgotten.or you will be history along with the whole lot of them.


Street demos.

if it really comes to that, street demos that explodes into anarchy/ violence , not that hard to trigger with paying the right people to incite ,instigate or even physically provoke bloodshed, then there will be an excuse to declare ” a state of emergency and martial law” like thailand , or just repackage or recycle the may 13 plot that he was a mastermind of.. then elections can be
“put off indefinitely till , public order is restored.” . may sound like a diabolical scheme, still in a quest to stay in power, .there is nothing those without conscience are capable of..

Vision of Malaysia’s future political landscape via Diyana.and some putdown terms of Diyana

Not so much words but the symbolic representation Diyana carried merely by being fielded as a candidate



dyana sofya

lovely smile

Unlike some, I have far more conviction than to simply quit because I failed to get elected, or appointed, or because of dissatisfaction over a wedding kenduri.
Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud
I refer to the statement reportedly made by Tunku Aziz that I will leave the DAP when I realise “it is not a multi-racial party”.
My experience with the party was never similar to Tunku Aziz’s. I joined DAP as a regular member after getting to know some of the party’s members and leaders.  I understand and admire the struggle of its leaders, and its principle of multi-culturalism.
I appreciate its consistency in standing up for all Malaysians, regardless of race and religion.
I believe in its principle of doing what is right, despite the risks and repercussions.
I joined without the intention of being appointed into any position. I simply wanted to be with like-minded people, sharing a vision and mission, and partake in the struggle for a better Malaysia.
In DAP, I found friends and comrades. DAP is not merely a political party to me. It is family. My saudara-saudari, brothers and sisters in DAP have made me realise that it is possible to be a true Malaysian without obliging hypocrisy, unlike the empty “1Malaysia” slogan that supposedly encourages the spirit of being Malaysian, but is nothing more than a front for the continuation of racial politics.
Don’t get me wrong, I am proud to be Malay. I am proud of my roots and heritage.
However, I don’t believe in abusing it at the expense of other Malaysians. I have never felt truly Malaysian until after I joined DAP.
Perhaps if Tunku Aziz spent more time with us in the grassroots, he would have agreed too. We might have our differences, but that doesn’t mean one should leave the family every time disagreements emerge.
Unlike some, I have far more conviction than to simply quit because I failed to get elected, or appointed, or because of dissatisfaction over a wedding kenduri. In 2012, I was asked to organise a programme called Pesta Lagu Jalanan with Yeo Bee Yin and Kasthuri Patto.
We worked well together and remain great friends until today, because we share the same love for our nation, vision, mission, principles, and understanding. I believe that if all Malaysians focused on our similarities rather than our differences, then we could all see the world the same way Standard 1 kids do – skin colour blind.
And that is how I felt when I joined DAP.

Was reading Malaysia Today, comment section following the above letter from Diyana that was published in the site.

There were dozens of comments , some friendly to Diyana and  a lot were seemingly from the cybertroopers raging  full steam.

The name calling , putdowns,although i suspect that there was much worst that got edited out by the admin.




.selected comments sums up the gist  of most of the expressed sentiments.

All mainly similar in tone.That Diyana is a not very intelligent Malay  persona and merely a manipulated puppet.

Although it must be noted that the over riding message is that Malays and DAP must not be allowed to Mix.


  • Hussin Zin · · University of Malaya

    This girl is so shallow that she doesn”t realize that she is just a puppet being made use of by DAP. She doesn’t have any thoughts or opinion of her own and even if she does, Uncle Lim or Tony Pua will grab the mike away from her at press conferences giving scant respect for her as a potential MP. Most of her statements (including this one) were probably scripted by DAP for her to regurgitate without tunderstanding the impact or implications of what she is saying. For example, in saying that UITM produces poor quality graduates that cannot compete, does she realuze that she is belittleing her own credentials? If she prepared the statements herself, she must be really scatterbrained!
  • Suraiya Mohd Ali · · Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

    This dimwit is getting sillier every time she opens her mouth to speak or write whatever her DAP uncles and siblings and cousins are urging her to say or pen. Goodness gracious , memalukan Melayu lah wei…especially the kaum hawa…yeah obviously she has no mind of her own and for the like-minded females in SIS to describe her as intelligent…well I suggest this greenhorn group together with the old boots and go parade themselves in the ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. Then to her utter dismay she may find that even the standard one kids will definitely not be skin colour blind as she claims.They will even see her true colours, hahahaha.

Maimun Hussin ·  · Victoria Institution

She’s a lost soul who found a friend in another ‘ Malay ‘ in DAP. The ” son ” of Khir Johari,Kairil Khir Johari ? The extent they go to make DAP a multi racial party n how Khairil Khir rose the ladder for that camouflage effect ! Surely we have not forgotten GeogeOrwell’s Animal Farm to see the similarities ! And Dyana dimwit is one half Malay who has been hoodwinked into believing their scratch and win modus operandi.Indeed then she is among the stupid Malays to have even doubted the credentials of graduates of the very Uni that accepted her ( not based solely on merit but her bumi status )

Neways …


Bryan Wong . Universality of  Minds

What a party here, reading the comments, most of it  is because Diyana is a Malay in DAP..poor lass is not allowed to display intelligence, must be uncle LIM dictating her penmanship. Dimwit , scatterbrain , lost soul etc.
Merely because she is a malay joining DAP, by default she must be pretty dumb..which is basically the gist from the comments., so DAP plus Malay equals absence of intellect..
Hmm , well guess Zairil will need to figure it out and wonder if Senator Arifin and Dato Arif Sabri aka Sakmongkol AK47 realises this equation. Unless I am reading it wrong the underlying message for malays , best to play safe and stick with UMNO.




Zairil is not a Malay as he got 100% Chinese DNA. He is the step-son of the late Khir Johari.Hussin Zin · 


 Wan   University of Malaya

Bryan Wong,   how many Malays holding top positions in ‘multiracial’ DAP?
One, two ? (Please exclude the 100% Cinese DNA Zairil Khir Johari).
How many Chinese in the CEC?
What does the DAP think by putting a ‘pretty face’ dimwit the people can buy that DAP is multiracial?



My Response…


Bryan Wong

And the former hog rearer,

That   “SWINE”  (pig)  …  Breeder…. (no disrespect meant, coz it is true, , – just pointing out irony)

Till he became a muslim,of course , Mr Riduan Tee is as Malay as Obama is an Eskimo,.

Everyone knows about Zairil and most wish him well

and don’t really care about a non issue., like his skin tone.

My response is same… ” Zairil is not pure malay..?? YA ? And ?? Go on…? And the point is..??

Doesn’t register into my analytical common sense at all.

Still has to be said,in fairness to Zairil..

Zairil has for a large part been raised a Muslim/Malay,and it is what it is. Surely that counts for something.

It is the psyche not skin color that matters.

Adopt perhaps, an African orphan infant, nurture and raise him as a Malay/Muslim in a kampung, so when he grows up, his essence/substance as an individual is , a Malaysian Malay or Malaysian African, or African Malay ??? poor kid, if someone were to really hold his skin tone against him.

And Mr. Husin Zin,as for DAP attempting to be a more multi ethnic party, gotta start somewhere, As it is said about the thousand mile journey beginning with one step.

Doubt a smooth journey for Malays, as soon as any from the community join DAP,  idealistic or naive , thinking to  balance the  numbers as a multi ethnic party  ,they get literally,  viciously pelted ,stoned mauled , maligned by their own community, to intimidate or try to scare them and thwart them  from entertaining the notion of becoming a DAPster.

. How many Malays in DAP?  Diyana is already one too hook or by crook, Malays must be prevented from joining that racist chinaman DAP institution, and that  is the frantic message broadcasted.

As long as DAP remains ethnocentric and retains its image as a racist Chinese entity , an image they are trying to shed. UMNO and like minded mindsets won’t feel threatened but if DAP’s  message via Diyana gets traction, of becoming  a multi ethnic Malaysian political entity,

UMNO risk becoming redundant or outmoded..

Afterall, it is a logical vision of future Malaysian political environment/landscape.

Racial politics is on a one way street to oblivion . Multi ethnic parties and politics will eventually be setting the tone.

.DAP wants to go there, already few steps taken that direction., but UMNO is stuck and need to figure out a delicate way to extricate itself from the self created racial quaqmire.,and not let DAP get a headstart.

The emperor LKS or even raja muda LGE aren’t immortals .neither are the so called “mandarins” or “eunuch”  of the DAP kingdom, as they are sometimes described,

Dynasties come and go and some transforms into authoritarian dictator states or  communist or  republics and even thriving democracies  depending on who is in the driver’s seat.

At the same token , this applies to UMNO as well..

No one can predict the vision of Malaysia, 20 , 30 years from now, but  if there are still mindsets still going on about racial supremacy and subordination.

They’ll  probably be screaming from on top of tree-houses they built for themselves and live at in a whole community of their like minded , in Tmn Negara.,after having found the ideal niche location for them to live.


They are shooting the messenger, Barking up the wrong tree!

Shallow, Hypocrite ,Puppet,,Scatterbrain Dimwit, didn’t see “twat” though,well ..these are the polite terms describing Diyana.

The BM blogosphere has worst. unmentionables. Actually these are quite common universal terms globally referring to politicians ,also relatively tame by certain standards.

Many will know that there are much worst unmentionable terms when it comes to creatively describing politicians esp in the UK or US..


Anyway, there is a quirky sense of irony in all the name calling of Diyana. .

” Barking up the wrong tree,. Don’t shoot the messenger.”

Somehow there is relevance of these terms to Diyana’s situation.

The Emperor and Prince probably smirking in their chambers of DAP which is ” The Forbidden Kingdom” for Malays, that is , if all the putdowns of Diyana were to be taken seriously, it is the over riding message.being frantically transmitted.

And on the subject of messages,,DAP may have scored ,quite high at that,, and successfully broadcasted their “multi ethnic political party ” for all Malaysians message ,throughout the nation..

In a so called hopefully optimistic and positive message. So it remains to be seen whether it got traction in the mindsets from among the “disillusioned” segment . of their target community. the ABU segment, the numbers from them that is not to be underestimated ,come GE14.

So puppet ka, dimwit ka , scatter brain ka ,hypocrite ka,

Through Diyana, the “messenger,” although victory would have been much sweeter and message more powerful , nonetheless, cannot deny her that she succeeded to a degree.. Now all the shooting and sniping is focused on her!

Which pervesely,, may be angled to her advantage. Since , no such thing as bad publicity , imagine the sympathy dimension she will get from her suppporters and the

” neutral”, on the fence looking at both sides. some may perceive it as , a poor hapless intelligent malay girl being bullied by her own kind ,coz she dared to challenge the status quo..

Does it matter if it is exaggerated or true ? Since , that will be irrelevant and a moot point.!

Hearts and minds via  perception can be won. Everyone loves the underdog , battling the odds against all powerful forces, and triumphs.!

Thats a movie in the making.

Therefore the more they shoot the “messenger”.. the more invincible she becomes. Just ironic.!


On K. J.= Khairy Jamaluddin/Hindu marries Muslim, JAIS raid.!

Really wish that KJ will stop chipping away at the admiration and respect many have for him., and slowly degrade himself by giving away piece by piece of his principles and integrity by conforming to the institution he is with.
It feels tragic to witness destruction of young idealism and intellectual vigour of a one  who has to sell out to survive. and cannot do a thing or is  just not gutsy enough to attempt reform or change from within his organization,.

BAlls are needed for that sort of thing.!

Principles and integrity be damned,I guess, ambition ,lust for power or downright survival ,overrides all..
(prime example is our Home Minister himself and his back story , who may still be out in pasture if he hadnt u-turned and kissed every flesh and orifice that TDM stuck out).

Prostitute your principles , dignity and integrity and ideals and thats the price to pay to get ahead. Who needs respect, when power and position is at stake?
I have heard this dude KJ express himself intellectually before that offers glimpses of the potential of his capability. but within the institution he hooked up is humanly impossible to sustain what noble lofty aspirations or ideals he may have. but prostitute your idealisms and you will go far.
What a tragedy for the malay youth he is role model to.etc,
Underneath all that mask of deceit, conniving, shameless pandering and ruthless manipulating,

Is entrapped underneath all that rubble ,

is a intellectual that has been  condemned never to see the light of day , but to play the Shadow Game, just like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave..

Such a tragic waste of a brain..


PS. on a secondary note, parts of the above ramble seem applicable  KJ’s boss as well ,  just as much as it is a depiction of the  mental limbo KJ  seems to be in.





The Boko haram kidnapping of schoolgirls in Nigeria  ,is an example of the extremism or disoriented thinking of adherents of the Islamic faith and  what direction it can go.  if allowed unchecked to thread that path or follow those trains of thought

The world and  the international Islamic community of nations may label  the Boko Haram as misguided lunatics  but then ,has  there been any guidance to begin with in the first place?

But the emotional convictions of these people who subscribes to this line of thought, and  actions they take may actually see and believes that what they are doing is righteous in the laws of the almighty, just as  church goers worldwide believe in God and abide by the commandments

What is the difference in  the above mentioned mindsets who have their convictions based on their religion ? Of course ,,one group don’t go around kidnapping school girls and other nonsense , yet what is stressed is when the name of their God is invoked that the adherents must obey their God for it is the righteous thing to do. the faithful will do so..

The recent Sudanese muslim lady who was sentenced to 100 lashes and then death by hanging, just because her crime was marrying a christian ,is also another indication of extremism gone wild..Interpretation of religious teachings of a beautiful Islamic faith gone awry .But more tragically will be that a whole nation of Sudanese people actually endorse the SENTENCES  and feel that it was the right thing to do  enforcing the will of the Almighty.

Another example of just how extreme the preachings of the beautiful Islamic faith can be mis-interpreted , maligned by and taken on a totally different direction by a few that influences  a whole nation of people,who may  actually be convinced that they are right and not wayward.

And the sickest horrific story has to be about this      psychotic sadistic muslim preacher     raping and murdering his own 14 year old daughter but because he  somehow is able to  justify it in his Islamic  God’s name and religion  ,he practically gets away with it..


As for the muslim lady’s death sentence , had there not been the international uproar, very likely the death sentence would have been carried out and the Sudanese people  will have felt no miscarriage of justice. because they may be convinced that it was a righteous deed enforcing  the Almighty’s laws..


Point being that , when mindsets are so heavily indoctrinated on a set of values or religious beliefs that passions triggered by the beliefs, by-passes all reasoning and rational behaviour.

Emotional convictions stemming from their religion dictate all. And the only right and wrong is guided by religious literature, and not innate humanistic instinct that we were born with.

SO that means that they can justify their act as righteous deed and anything otherwise based on sound logic even, is not accepted.

Indoctrinated mindsets on religious values ,  no longer share the SECULAR concepts of humanistic values of right and wrong and morality outside the religious sphere.

Even for those who may have converted into the religion at a late stage , and were thus born with an innate sense of these values  within their instincts.

But their instincts they were born with will probably be wiped out ,erased and replaced by the indoctrinated set into their psyche that their religion preaches.

Conundrum is of course that the emotional conviction stemming from their religious indoctrination bypasses all reason and rational thought.

Anything else to try to make the zealots see another  perspective may be  brushed off as blasphemous and heretical to them .

There is only one perspective in indoctrinated mindsets along religious lines .  so rigid and narrow will be in their thought patterns that there is  complete inflexibility and  totally no space to manuever at all.

It is often said that acquisition of knowledge expands minds and horizons , but the opposite has to be said about the indoctrination of religious values and belief in the supernatural being..Of constriction and collapsing on itself.

When concepts of Right and wrong is solely determined by religious literature and not on imperfect instincts we were born with.

There is no arguing with minds convinced on these,  for to them it is the absolute truth , programmed into their minds to obey the prewritten script with thousands of variants in interpretation.A divine holy script that must not be questioned..Adherents or the faithful  is to  “do or die and not to question why”.

Just like  our own convictions that the sun will rise tomorrow.

Therefore only hope that somehow despite everything, common sense is still present and lingering  and havent been completely erased by passions for  the supernatural.

But  then, common sense to the religious and faithful is on a different conceptual plane than many of us , so it is another delicate consideration to  mull over.

How do you disapprove or disagree with certain parties,pointing out that what they have done is a grievous  affront to our Malaysian society,or basically rational minded cross cultural society in general, many of which   already on a short fuse?

Especially when both sides claim the high ground, of morality and righteousness.. And perversely ,both sides have strong claims.

Humanistic values versus religious values. One side absolutely convinced  of their divine righteousness abiding by their faith and enforcing their Almighty’s will or laws that cannot be questioned by mortals but must be abided, because the religious text say so..

And challenged by another perspective  from technically reasonable secular dimension, claiming common sense as its ground, and mutual respect of all Malaysian / Global cross culural society for traction..

.A inextricable quagmire in the making .

There is no conclusion in a scenario like this, there will be no winners nor will there be prisoners taken . Only one side need to sacrifice a compromise, and so it still comes down to human emotion and reliance on common sense..and willingness to lower  the spiritual dimension down a few notches.

.Or there will not be any conclusion and for sure , there will be a clash of heads.

All of which will ultimately have nothing to do at all with the nature of the almighty God of all the faiths.

Just stupidity of human pride and egos being displayed.but then again , as has always been the case, the ones butting heads will definitely give all credit  to the Almighty?..

God is great..Hallelujah

Allahu Akhbar..! etc etc

The  ramblings  above are in relation to all religious zealots in general, but more on  the beautiful Islamic faith in particular, which preaches the love and grace of the Almighty but more often than not  has been  interpretated into so many variants that tragically brings  discredit to a magnificent and beautiful faith, rendering a horrifically disfigured dimension which does the Faith no favors but destroys the reputation and efforts of the Prophets past and lesser known teachers of the faith that had followed the truly righteous divine path.

Religion is beautiful, God’s ways are perfect.

But Humans with their pride , vanity , greed , conceit ,arrogance , evil , envy ,bigotry ,lust , deceit , connivance ,unconscionable, immorality ,who make religion ugly.










Mr. Rayer , You do owe the people of Malaysia an apology.!

Shame them with humility,show them what maturity means,
MR. Rayer please elevate yourself and your party to a position that can stand head  and  shoulders high over these immature brats.whose one and only recourse in reacting to outrage,is to behave violently.not intelligently. time and time again, such antics have been shown, it is the only instinct/ reaction that they are capable of. .ANything further than that, they will be completely at a lost as to how to react.,even if they were to inteligently protest and argue their stand, and may even make good sense and win the argument. They have no inkling how..!
Mr. Rayer,why demean yourself by playing their game? Stubbornness is a type of arrogance, allow yourself to be better than that.Mr Rayer.

DO not let pride an ego be an obstacle to claim the moral high ground .Your integrity and reputation will be intact ,even if you apologize for misunderstanding caused and triggering lawless behaviour of the untoward incidents.

Frankly ,Mr Rayer, you do owe the Malaysian public an apology for giving an excuse to the hooligans to display the complete disregard for the revered chamber.where laws of the country are debated and made.
Let the gangsters and thugs do their worst at what they are good at..,among which is intimidation using irrational violence and lawlessness.

Let them sulk and be brats all they wish. Mr. Rayer ,distance yourself from adopting attitudes like them and behave as honorable legislators and elected representative of the Malaysian people ought to behave..
With dignity and logical reasoning.. noone will accuse you of giving in or intimidated or that the anarchist have really frightened you , Put pride and ego aside for a while and reason with rationallity that is in the best interests of the people and lessons that can be learnt from this fiasco..

Instead ,stand behind the laws of the land designed to protect citizens and use this route to address the grievance caused by the thugs. Message must be that , .

Law and order is the highest authority and the moral high ground is on your side. .
By all means, apologize, first,to all the decent law abiding Malaysian citizens that was forced to witness the scoundrels disrespecting our nation’s law, that we hold sanctified and value above all..
Even certain ministers have declared their disapproval over this behavior ( to be lauded) but tragically , some ministers act as apologist for these outlaws , as if it is an acceptable behaviour.
Message from these Ministers ( who are supposed to uphold and champion the sanctity of the laws of the land and constitution with no fear nor favor, sternly rebuking or use their ministry’s power to prompt relevant agencies into enforcing action against whoever the lawbreakers are ) is that , .some quarters can act above the law or take the law in to their hands if there is a good excuse for it..?

So Mr Rayer, you must adopt the moral high ground and react with reason and tactfulness that you can send a positive message to the decent law abiding people that there are still amongst us who respect and value law and order,and love this country and very proud to be a citizen, that it is so hurtful to see the loveliness and diversity being slowly but intentionally ripped  apart.

Just because of the insecurities from desperation of the powers that be, on the prospect of losing that power and hence threatened their positions to raid and loot with impunity.

But we must allow our conscience to guide us. Principles , Honor and Integrity  will the  forces among many that will determine the eventual  destruction  of the den of thieves.

Although obstacles are “powerful” , our conscience and reverence for law and order of our constitution and desire for a just and equitable nation for it’s people ,will guide us and eventually triumph over adversity.

The essence of law and order or the very foundation of  the constitution of Malaysia  is under threat. Dis-honoring , even insulting the legacy that our forefathers strived so hard for, in order to win our independence.

In light of so many gross miscarriages of justice and the blatant ignoring of our nation’s constitutional laws lately. . Mr Rayer, I suggest. if you wish to pick a fight or a cause, pick this topic as a battle cry and rally all who are as concerned about this state of affairs of the nation’s deteriorating  rule based on  law and order, and fight a battle royale, not for self glory  but the common future of all our later generations.

Before more damage is inflicted and Rogues rule the land looting and robbing on a whim and justifying it without much conscionable remorse, just because they know they have the power to get away with it.
